Tuesday, January 12, 2010

SSH Reverse Tunnel

SSH is an extremely useful tool in that it allows you to do many things in a secure fashion that you might not otherwise be able to do. One of the things SSH allows you to do is to set up a reverse encrypted tunnel for data transfer.
You can forward a port on the remote machine to the local machine while still initiating the tunnel from the local machine.

This is useful if you have a service on the remote end you want to have connected to something on the local machine , but you don't wish to open up your firewall or have SSH private keys stored on the remote machine. By using a reverse tunnel, you maintain all of the control on the local machine. An example usage for this would be for logging messages; by setting up a reverse SSH tunnel, you can have a logger on the remote system send logs to the local system (i.e., syslog-ng).

To set up the reverse tunnel, between you office computer (behind NAT/Firewall that can not be access using SSH from outside world) and your home computer, use:

1. SSH from the destination to the source (with public ip) using command below(From Office -> Home):

ssh -R remote_port:localhost:22 your_home_computer


ssh -R 1100:localhost:22 myhome.mydomain.com

2. you can SSH from source to destination through SSH tunneling (you run that from your home computer Office <- Home)
ssh localhost -p 1100

3. 3rd party servers can also access through Destination (

Destination ( <- |NAT| <- Source ( <- Bob's server

3.1 From Bob's server:

ssh sourceuser@

3.2 After the sucessful login to Source:

ssh localhost -p 19999

* the connection between destination and source must be alive at all time.

Tip: you may run a command (e.g. watch, top) on Destination to keep the connection active.